During processing, does the 2GB file size limit apply to Documaker for Windows?

Prior to version 11.5, the restriction did apply. Technically, it was not a physical file size limit, but rather the limit resides in the size of the file offset that is found in the NEWTRN file. The limit refers to the 2GB maximum file size that can be directly accessed using standard direct access methods, on Windows or UNIX.

As Documaker builds offsets into key files, if those offsets exceed 2GB, the GenData program experiences a problem. During GenTrn processing, offsets to individual transactions within the extract file are written to the TRNFILE.

During GenData processing, offsets to the NAFILE and POLFILE, for each transaction are written to the NEWTRN file and to the recipient batch files. A long integer is used to contain these offsets and this long integer can have a value up to roughly 2,100,000,000 or about 2GB.

Starting with Documaker version 11.0, patch 11, the system includes the following error messages which appear when the NAFILE's offset (size) approaches or exceeds the 2GB limit allowable for the NAFILE.

When the NAFILE's offset number within the NEWTRN file approaches the 2GB limit, you get this error message:

DM30035: Error in SetOffsets(): Offset for NAFile is approaching 2GB limit.

When it exceeds the 2GB limit, you get this error message:

DM30034: Error in SetOffsets(): Unable to obtain offset for NAFile. 2GB limit may have been reached.